1Pay is a Payment aggregator (Authorized by RBI) and serves the merchants in collection of payments from their customers.
Customers are buying products / Services from Merchant Website and every merchant has its own refund policies according to their line of business and product type.
Customers are requested to see the refund policies on the merchant website for Refund Deadlines within which time the refund request is required to be raised on the merchant website.
Where Merchant instructs 1Pay for refund processing, 1Pay will follow its contractual arrangement with merchant to ensure that the amount is refunded within agreed deadline to the source account of customer through the same mode of payment which customer has used.
For any queries / status updates on refunds – Customers may reach out to 1Pay Support team on email / Phone as mentioned below:
1Pay Support team contact details:
Email : customercare.pg@1pay.in
Phone : 9769039989