• 1PMPL is into Payment Aggregation business for more than 3 years and serving merchants from various approved segments which includes Govt Sector, Education sector, Travel and Tourism etc.

  • 1PMPL has developed inhouse system to handle Payment Aggregation business and follows internal approved policies for onboarding merchants interested in taking 1PMPL’s payment processing services.

  • Below is gist of 1PMPL policy for merchant onboarding and guidelines for the existing and prospective merchant who would like to avail these services.

  • 1. Who can be a merchant on the 1Pay Platform.

    Any establishment as mentioned below can be a merchant on 1Pay Platform.

    • 1.1 Proprietorship Firm
    • 1.2 Partnership Firms / LLP
    • 1.3 Private Ltd / Public Ltd Companies / OPC
    • 1.4 Registered Charity / NGO
    • 1.5 Society / Trust
    • 1.6 Individual / non-registered
    • 1.7 HUF (Hindu Undivided Family)
    • 1.8 Government
    • 1.9 Education (School & college only)

  • 2. Requirements to be fulfilled by merchant to get onboarded onto 1Pay Platform

    Any establishment as mentioned below can be a merchant on 1Pay Platform.

    • 2.1 Merchants should be a legal entity as listed above under Point no 1.
    • 2.2 Merchants should be having a legitimate business model which is NOT Prohibited by regulation. Please refer to the Banned products / Services list mentioned in Annexure I.
    • 2.3 Merchant should have a website which should display the correct business model and products OR services which are being offered to customers.
    • 2.4 Merchant’s website should not have any redirection.
    • 2.5 Merchant website should contain the latest updated information as mentioned here below:
    •     2.5.1 About us (Company profile)
    •     2.5.2 Contact us (Company’s contact details)
    •     2.5.3 Terms and Conditions of the company w.r.t. the business
    •     2.5.4 Privacy Policy
    •     2.5.5 Return and Refund Policy
    • 2.6 Merchants should have complete KYC Documentation. Please refer to the KYC Documentation Checklist Mentioned in Annexure II below.

  • 3. How to approach 1PMPL

    • 3.1 Merchants can approach / Connect with 1Pay Team through email or on Phone (Email ID and Phone no as mentioned in “Contact us” tab)
    • 3.2 1PMPL Merchant onboarding support team will connect with you to understand the business requirements and will provide quote on charges applicable to be deducted by 1PMPL
    • 3.3 Once charges are finalized, 1PMPL Merchant support team will guide you through the onboarding process and documentation.
    • 3.4 1Pay merchant support team will communicate with the Merchant till the activation on 1Pay Platform.

Annexure I - List of Prohibited Products/Services:-

1. Adult goods and services which include pornography and other sexually suggestive materials (including literature, imagery and other media); escort or prostitution services. Apparatus such as personal massagers/vibrators and sex toys and enhancements.

2. Alcohol which includes Alcohol or alcoholic beverages such as beer, liquor, wine, or champagne.

3. Any intangible goods or services or aggregation/consolidation business.

4. Any product or service, which is not in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations whether federal, state, both local and international, including the laws of India.

5. Any product or service, which is not in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations whether federal, state, local or international including all laws of India.

6. Body parts, which includes organs or other body parts – live, cultured/preserved or from cadaver

7. Bulk marketing tools which include email lists, software, or other products enabling unsolicited email messages (spam).

8. Cable TV descramblers and black boxes which include devices intended to obtain cable and satellite signals for free.

9. Child pornography in any form.

10. Copyright unlocking devices which include Mod chips or other devices designed to circumvent copyright protection.

11. Copyrighted media, which includes unauthorized copies of books, music, movies, and other licensed or protected materials.

12. Copyrighted software which includes unauthorized copies of software, video games and other licensed or protected materials, including OEM or bundled software

13. Counterfeit and unauthorized goods which includes replicas or imitations of designer goods; items without a celebrity endorsement that would normally require such an association; fake autographs, counterfeit stamps, and other potentially unauthorized goods.

14. Drop-shipped merchandise

15. Drug test circumvention aids which include drug cleansing shakes, urine test additives, and related items.

16. Drugs and drug paraphernalia which includes illegal drugs and drug accessories, including herbal drugs including but not limited to salvia and magic mushrooms

17. Endangered species, which includes plants, animals, or other organisms (including product derivatives) in danger of extinction.

18. Gambling which includes lottery tickets, sports bets, memberships/ enrolment in online gambling sites, and related content.

19. Government IDs or documents which includes fake IDs, passports, diplomas, and noble titles.

20. Hacking and cracking materials which include manuals, how-to guides, information, or equipment enabling illegal access to software, servers, websites, or other protected property.

21. Illegal goods which include materials, products, or information promoting illegal goods or enabling illegal acts.

22. Live animals or hides/skins/teeth, nails, and other parts etc of animals.

23. Miracle cures which include unsubstantiated cures, remedies or other items marketed as quick health fixes.

24. Multi-Level marketing collection fees & Matrix sites or sites using a matrix scheme approach.

25. Offensive goods which include literature, products or other materials that: (a) Defame or slander any person or groups of people based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, or other factors; (b) Encourage or incite violent acts; and (c) Promote intolerance or hatred.

26. Offensive goods, crime which includes crime scene photos or items, such as personal belongings, associated with criminals.

27. Prescription drugs or herbal drugs or any kind of online pharmacies which includes drugs or other products requiring a prescription by a licensed medical practitioner.

28. Pyrotechnic devices and hazardous materials which includes fireworks and related goods, toxic, flammable, and radioactive materials and substances.

29. Regulated goods which include air bags; batteries containing mercury; Freon or similar substances/refrigerants; chemical/industrial solvents; government uniforms; car titles; license plates; police badges and law enforcement equipment; lock-picking devices; pesticides; postage meters; recalled items; slot machines; surveillance equipment; goods regulated by government or other agency specifications.

30. Tobacco and cigarettes which includes cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and related products.

31. Traffic devices, which includes radar detectors/ jammers, license plate covers, traffic signal changers, and related products.

32. Weapons, which includes firearms, ammunition, knives, brass knuckles, gun parts, and other armaments.

33. Web-based telephony/ SMS/Text/Facsimile services or Calling Cards. Bandwidth or Data transfer/ allied services. Voice process /knowledge process services.

34. Wholesale currency, which includes discounted currencies or currencies, exchanges.

35. Work-at-home information.

Annexure B - KYC Documentation Checklist

1. Proprietorship Firm
1. Proprietorship Firm
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Firm's registration documents Firm's PAN Card / PAN Allotment Letter.
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Local Authority Licenses if any - Shops and Establishment Act/Gumasta
Statutory Licences if any / applicable - Service Tax/VAT/Excise Registration
Any other document as applicable for LOB/industry - e.g., Business License/FDA/Udyog Aadhar
2 Business Address documents Latest Utility Bill (Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill, not older than 3 months) OR Municipal Tax receipt OR Rent agreement copy (valid period & belongs to proprietor or firm).
3 Proof of Identity of Proprietor PAN card / FORM 60 (if PAN is not applicable)
4 Proof of Address of Proprietor Driving license / Passport copy / Masked Aadhar Card with consent letter (any one).
5 Bank details Cancelled cheque / Latest Bank statement with Account No, Account Name, and IFSC code printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
2. Partnership Firm/LLP
2. Partnership Firm/LLP
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Firm's registration documents Firm's PAN Card / PAN Allotment Letter.
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Partnership Deed/Form “A”
Partnership Resolution + Authority Letter with any two partners sign & company seal
In case of LLP will require Certificate of Incorporation
Local Authority Licenses if any - Shops and Establishment Act/Gumasta
Statutory Licences if any / applicable - Service Tax/VAT/ Excise Registration
Any other document if its mandatory as applicable for LOB / industry -
e.g. Business License/FDA/Udyog Aadhar
2 Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
OR Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy
OR Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period & belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
(Minimum any two partner's pan card required, and
signatory person should a partner of firm)
PAN card / FORM 60 (if PAN is not applicable)
4 Proof of address proof
(Minimum any two partner's address proof required,
and signatory person should a partner of firm)
Driving license / Passport copy / Masked Aadhar Card with consent letter (any one).
5 Bank details
(ONLY Current account acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
3. Private Limited Companies / Public Limited Companies / OPC
3. Private Limited Companies / Public Limited Companies / OPC
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents Firm's PAN Card / PAN Allotment Letter.
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Certified Copies of MOA and AOA
Board resolution for appointing 1Pay as PAPG - signed by directors and stamped
Certificate of Incorporation required (In case of Private Ltd. Companies) /
Certificate of Commencement of Business (In case of Public Ltd. Companies)
List of Directors with DIN
Local Authority Licenses if any - Shops and Establishment Act/Gumasta
Statutory Licences if any / applicable - Service Tax/VAT/ Excise Registration
Any other document if its mandatory as applicable for LOB / industry -
e.g. Business License/FDA/Udyog Aadhar
2 Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
OR Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy
OR Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period & belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
(Minimum any two Director's pan card required, and
signatory person should a directors of firm)
Pan card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address
(Minimum any two Director's address proof required, and
signatory person should a partner of firm)
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
4. Registered charity/ NGO
4. Registered charity/ NGO
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents Trust's PAN Card / PAN Allotment Letter.
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Charity Commissioners Certificate -
Duly attested by Authorised Trustees to attest documents
Trust Deed
Trust / Trustee Board resolution Signed by Trustee's sign / Trust Board of Directors
80G / 12AA Certificate (In case of Donation Acceptance)
FCRA Certificate (in case of International Donation Acceptance) -
(80G / 12 AA is noncompliance and new registered trust CC and wallet services restrict).
Any other statutory registrations if any.
2 Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
OR Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy
OR Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period & belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
(Minimum any two Trustee's pan card required, and
signatory person should a partner of firm)
Pan card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address
(Minimum any two Trustee's address proof required, and
signatory person should a partner of firm)
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
5. Society
5. Society
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents Society Pan Card
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Rules and By-Laws / Society's MOA if any
Resolution of the managing body of society.
Certificate Issued under Societies Registration Act,
1860 Duly attested by the Authorized Signatory
2 Doing Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
OR Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy
OR Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period & belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
(Authorised Signatories)
PAN card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address
(Authorised Signatories)
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
6. Individual / Non-Registered
6. Individual / Non-Registered
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents Any registration documents or doing business licence copy required.
2 Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Current Utility Bill -
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
Rent agreement copy
(it should be valid period & belong to Authorized person name only).
Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy.
3 Proof of Identity
(Authorized person)
PAN card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address
(Authorized person)
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
7. HUF (Hindu Undivided Family)
7. HUF (Hindu Undivided Family)
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents HUF pan card
GST Certificate (all 3 pages)
If GST is Not Applicable - declaration letter required
Signed authorisation letter or power of attorney
2 Doing Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill -
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old).OR
Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy OR
Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period &
belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
PAN card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents Government PAN card
Signed authorisation letter
Evidence of Registration or Office Order
2 Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Current Utility Bill -
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
3 Proof of Identity
(Authorized person)
PAN card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address proof
(Authorized person)
Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format
9.Education (School & college only)
9.Education (School & college only)
Sr. NO. Type of Documents Documents Name
1 Business registration documents GST / PAN copy required of school
Affiliation certificate copy required
2 Doing Business Address documents
(Applicable only if registration address &
current doing business address are different).
Latest Utility Bill
Electricity/Telephone/Water Bill (Not more than 3 months old)
OR Municipal Tax payment receipt's copy
OR Rent agreement copy (it should be valid period & belong to proprietor’s name or firm name only).
3 Proof of Identity
(Authorized person)
PAN card (In case if PAN Card is not there then FORM 60).
4 Proof of address (Authorized person) Driving licence / Passport copy / Mask Aadhar Card along with Aadhar consent letter
5 Bank details
(Current account only acceptable for settlement)
Cancelled cheque / Bank statement - Original Copy, IFSC code and Name should be printed.
6 Additional Documentation PCI-DSS / PCI – SSF certificate – if merchant request for Seamless Integration.
Else Self Declaration as per the prescribed format